Dirty Day─U2
U2 Lyrics - Dirty Day
I don't know you
And you don't know the half of it
I had a starring role
I was the bad guy who walked out
They said be careful where you aim
'cause where you aim you just might hit
You can hold onto something so tight
You've already lost it
Dragging me down
That's not the way it used to be
You can't even remember
What I'm trying to forget
It was a dirty day
Dirty day
You're looking for explanations
I don't even understand
If you need someone to blame
Throw a rock in the air
You'll hit someone guilty
From father to son
In one life has begun
A work that's never done
Father to son
(And love...it won't last kissin' time)
[Repeat 3 times]
Get it right
There's no blood thicker than ink
Hear what I say
Nothing's simple as you think
Wake up
Some things you can't get around
I'm in you
More so when they put me in the ground
These days, days, days run away like horses over the hill
These days, days, days run away like horses over the hill...
[Repeat and fade until end]
2011年02月09日 15:52:43 來源: 人民網
英國《理財周刊》(Money Week)主編莫裏‧薩默塞特‧韋布(Merryn Somerset Webb) 日前在英國《金融時報》(Finance Times)發文稱,中國的價格上漲使得中國生產優勢不再,而人口問題使中國的股市也不容樂觀。他勸人們遠離中國市場。文章摘要如下:
這對中國來說是個不好的兆頭。根據渣打銀行預測,2014年開始,中國的勞動力與退休人口的比重將急速變化。到了2030年,中國人年齡的中位數將是41歲,美國是40歲。這是我們要遠離中國股市的又一例證。(蘇亭 董菁)
China could price itself out of all sorts of markets
By Merryn Somerset Webb
Published: January 28 2011 18:08 | Last updated: January 28 2011 18:08
On the train a few weeks ago, I sat next to a burly garment supplier. He spent the entire trip – when not yelling at his ex-wife-to-be on the phone (“you made your bed love, you lie in it”) – calling clients and telling them that their prices were going up. Those who asked questions were told that factory prices were rising in China and that they were taking the hit. End of story.
I told this to a City audience a few days later during a debate with Matt Ridley on whether optimism or pessimism is the correct approach to the future – only to hear a voice piping up from the floor telling me I knew nothing about inflation in China.
This interruption came from a young dress designer at the back. She told us that the factories she uses would bump up their prices every couple of months: these days, if you don’t take the price you are given on the spot, it goes up in 24 hours. That’s real inflation.
But the interesting bit was that the fast-moving prices have prompted her to do her sums again: she is moving her production back to Europe. It won’t cost less, but it certainly won’t cost any more. It will also allow her to keep an eye on quality – which has apparently been falling as fast as prices are rising at those Chinese factories.
For more on how fast prices are rising, look at www.shanghaiscrap.com, where you can see pictures of packs of instant noodles in a Shanghai convenience store. According to the blogger, the clerks aren’t bothering to print new price labels for the noodles as prices rise; they simply “cross them out and write in the new [substantially higher] ones”. That’s also real inflation.
This is anecdotal evidence but it suggests that, given the wage pressures building behind it, the consumer price index in China might, just might, be a tad higher than the official number of 4.6 per cent suggests.
It also chimes with news of minimum wage rises in Chinese cities: pay is about to rise 20 per cent in Beijing, 10 per cent in Shanghai and 19 per cent in Guangdong. Shanghai’s mayor says this is about “rational income distribution”. But odds are it has something to do with staff shortages (young Chinese workers are becoming more demanding) and the odd strike as well.
Either way, you could make a reasonable argument that 30 years into its 10 per cent a year GDP expansion, China is beginning to price itself out of the low-cost manufacturing market. Leave out Malaysia and Thailand, says a note from Liberum Capital, and the average worker in China is now more expensive than the average worker in any other emerging Asian economy.
One thing all this should remind us about is the power of demographics. Years of one-child policies have left the Chinese population nastily unbalanced. Today, its dependency ratio hovers around 40 per cent. That’s good – it means 60 per cent of the population is of working age. But as the only children reach working age and their parents retire, this ratio changes fast: by 2040 it will be well over 50 per cent and by 2050, over 60 per cent. If employers think young Chinese workers are stroppy now, they should wait until the poor things are trying to support two parents each, as well as their own children.
However, this shift from a nation of the youngish to a nation of the old won’t just affect China’s economy. It will, if things work out as they have in the US, affect its stock market, too.
Société Générale has a neat chart that plots the growth rate of retirees in the US against the Shiller price/earnings ratio for the US equity market. And guess what? It’s a pretty good correlation. When not many people are retiring, the stock market gets more expensive (more people are saving for retirement). When lots are retiring, it gets cheaper (people take their money out). The same goes for house prices: working people upsize, retirees downsize so the more retirees you have knocking around, the less likely it is that house prices will rise.
Anyone looking for corroboration of the argument need only look to Japan where the working age population as a percentage of the total population began to fall in the early 1990s – a time that marked the start of a 20-year grind-down in domestic asset prices.
That doesn’t bode well for US asset prices over the next couple of decades given that the working population as a percentage of the total population, having risen from 1990 through to 2008, is now set to fall until some time in the region of 2030. It bodes really badly for the Chinese stock market where the ratio of working-age people to retirees will shift much faster – starting in 2014, according to Standard Chartered. By 2030, the median age in the US is forecast to be 40. In China it will be 41. Just one more reason to stay out of the Chinese stock market.
Merryn Somerset Webb is editor-in-chief of Money Week and previously worked as a stockbroker. The views expressed in her column are personal.
英國《理財周刊》(Money Week)主編莫裏‧薩默塞特‧韋布(Merryn Somerset Webb) 日前在英國《金融時報》(Finance Times)發文稱,中國的價格上漲使得中國生產優勢不再,而人口問題使中國的股市也不容樂觀。他勸人們遠離中國市場。文章摘要如下:
這對中國來說是個不好的兆頭。根據渣打銀行預測,2014年開始,中國的勞動力與退休人口的比重將急速變化。到了2030年,中國人年齡的中位數將是41歲,美國是40歲。這是我們要遠離中國股市的又一例證。(蘇亭 董菁)
China could price itself out of all sorts of markets
By Merryn Somerset Webb
Published: January 28 2011 18:08 | Last updated: January 28 2011 18:08
On the train a few weeks ago, I sat next to a burly garment supplier. He spent the entire trip – when not yelling at his ex-wife-to-be on the phone (“you made your bed love, you lie in it”) – calling clients and telling them that their prices were going up. Those who asked questions were told that factory prices were rising in China and that they were taking the hit. End of story.
I told this to a City audience a few days later during a debate with Matt Ridley on whether optimism or pessimism is the correct approach to the future – only to hear a voice piping up from the floor telling me I knew nothing about inflation in China.
This interruption came from a young dress designer at the back. She told us that the factories she uses would bump up their prices every couple of months: these days, if you don’t take the price you are given on the spot, it goes up in 24 hours. That’s real inflation.
But the interesting bit was that the fast-moving prices have prompted her to do her sums again: she is moving her production back to Europe. It won’t cost less, but it certainly won’t cost any more. It will also allow her to keep an eye on quality – which has apparently been falling as fast as prices are rising at those Chinese factories.
For more on how fast prices are rising, look at www.shanghaiscrap.com, where you can see pictures of packs of instant noodles in a Shanghai convenience store. According to the blogger, the clerks aren’t bothering to print new price labels for the noodles as prices rise; they simply “cross them out and write in the new [substantially higher] ones”. That’s also real inflation.
This is anecdotal evidence but it suggests that, given the wage pressures building behind it, the consumer price index in China might, just might, be a tad higher than the official number of 4.6 per cent suggests.
It also chimes with news of minimum wage rises in Chinese cities: pay is about to rise 20 per cent in Beijing, 10 per cent in Shanghai and 19 per cent in Guangdong. Shanghai’s mayor says this is about “rational income distribution”. But odds are it has something to do with staff shortages (young Chinese workers are becoming more demanding) and the odd strike as well.
Either way, you could make a reasonable argument that 30 years into its 10 per cent a year GDP expansion, China is beginning to price itself out of the low-cost manufacturing market. Leave out Malaysia and Thailand, says a note from Liberum Capital, and the average worker in China is now more expensive than the average worker in any other emerging Asian economy.
One thing all this should remind us about is the power of demographics. Years of one-child policies have left the Chinese population nastily unbalanced. Today, its dependency ratio hovers around 40 per cent. That’s good – it means 60 per cent of the population is of working age. But as the only children reach working age and their parents retire, this ratio changes fast: by 2040 it will be well over 50 per cent and by 2050, over 60 per cent. If employers think young Chinese workers are stroppy now, they should wait until the poor things are trying to support two parents each, as well as their own children.
However, this shift from a nation of the youngish to a nation of the old won’t just affect China’s economy. It will, if things work out as they have in the US, affect its stock market, too.
Société Générale has a neat chart that plots the growth rate of retirees in the US against the Shiller price/earnings ratio for the US equity market. And guess what? It’s a pretty good correlation. When not many people are retiring, the stock market gets more expensive (more people are saving for retirement). When lots are retiring, it gets cheaper (people take their money out). The same goes for house prices: working people upsize, retirees downsize so the more retirees you have knocking around, the less likely it is that house prices will rise.
Anyone looking for corroboration of the argument need only look to Japan where the working age population as a percentage of the total population began to fall in the early 1990s – a time that marked the start of a 20-year grind-down in domestic asset prices.
That doesn’t bode well for US asset prices over the next couple of decades given that the working population as a percentage of the total population, having risen from 1990 through to 2008, is now set to fall until some time in the region of 2030. It bodes really badly for the Chinese stock market where the ratio of working-age people to retirees will shift much faster – starting in 2014, according to Standard Chartered. By 2030, the median age in the US is forecast to be 40. In China it will be 41. Just one more reason to stay out of the Chinese stock market.
Merryn Somerset Webb is editor-in-chief of Money Week and previously worked as a stockbroker. The views expressed in her column are personal.
葉晉嘉 助理教授
研究室:五育樓1402室 電話:08-7226141轉22300(師培中心實習組)、35757(研究室) E-mail:scorpioball@mail.npue.edu.tw 教學網頁:http://blog.xuite.net/scorpio.ball/ 國科會個人網站:http://researcher.nsc.gov.tw/scorpioball/ 現職:
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專長: 文化產業分析,區域與都市規劃,政策分析與評估,城鄉研究
授課科目:統計學、經濟學、文化經濟學、文化產業踏查(II) : 都會、全球化與地方發展、城市治理與行銷、文化園區規劃與經營實務 、調查研究與資料分析
授課科目:統計學、經濟學、文化經濟學、文化產業踏查(II) : 都會、全球化與地方發展、城市治理與行銷、文化園區規劃與經營實務 、調查研究與資料分析
- 2006,管理學門論文審查與修改技巧研討會論文審查實做競賽第一。
- 2003,中山大學公共事務管理研究所優秀研究生獎學金。
- 2001,都市計畫技師高考及格。
- 1998,龍騰論文獎。
- 葉晉嘉(2010)。2009世界運動會授權商品消費行為分析,城市發展,專刊,104-126。
- 葉晉嘉(2010)。各國創意城市指標的比較性研究,城市發展,9,111-144。
- 吳濟華、葉晉嘉、蔡源培(2007)。臺北捷運通車後車站周邊土地價格變動之實證分析,土地經濟年刊,18,1-26。
- 葉晉嘉、翁興利、吳濟華(2007)。德菲法與模糊德菲法之比較研究,調查研究-方法與應用,21,31-58。
- 吳濟華、葉晉嘉、朱俊德(2006)。地方永續發展跨域治理操作機制研究--以高高屏地區為例,城市發展,1,28-53。
- 葉晉嘉、劉麗娟、吳濟華(2006)。運用資料包絡分析法評量台灣地區健康城市度之研究,健康城市學刊,4,129-140。
- 吳濟華、葉晉嘉、周佳儀(2005)。高雄都會區女性住宅消費行為意向之研究,住宅學報,14(1),67-84。(TSSCI)
- 張瑞玲、葉晉嘉、陳台晟(2005)。全球手機產業生產分工模式之研究:世界體系觀點,華人前瞻研究,1(1),175-192。
- 葉晉嘉(2009)。「城市經濟的活化與轉型─從全球化與永續發展的新思維出發」,載於吳英明、薛昭義(主編),城市致富學,77-86。高雄市:高雄市立空中大學。
- 葉晉嘉(2008)。「台灣城鄉價值變遷及其對都市治理之意涵」,中山大學公共事務管理研究所博士論文,未出版,高雄市。
- 葉晉嘉(1998)。「應用模糊理論於公共政策之研究—改良式模糊德爾菲法」,中興大學公共政策研究所碩士論文,未出版,台北市(龍騰論文獎)。
- 葉晉嘉(2010)。「宜居城市治理績效評估之研究」,2010年都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、地區發展學會、住宅學會聯合年會暨論文研討會,台北市政治大學大公企中心,2010/12/11。
- 葉晉嘉(2009)。「創意城市治理指標之研究」,台灣公共行政與公共事務系所聯合會,全球化下新公共管理趨勢與挑戰-理論與實踐研討會,高雄中山大學,2009/5/23-24。
- 葉晉嘉(2009)。「城市創意經濟初探」,城市生根與國際深耕學術論壇,高雄市立空中大學,2009/2/11。
- 葉晉嘉(2008)。「台灣城鄉價值變遷實證研究」,2008年中華民國都市計劃學會、區域科學學會、住宅學會、地區發展學會聯合年會暨論文研討會,台北台北大學,2008/12/13。
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原定於1月31日公佈的包括取消PSW(Post-study-work)簽證在內的調整學生簽證體系的提案的徵詢意見結果或將發生改變。據BBC 英倫網報導,就在PSW簽證命運岌岌可危之際,英國議會跨黨派中國事務小組提出了挽救新建議,具體內容為保留PSW簽證,並將時間調整為留英碩士學位畢業 生提供一年工作簽證,而博士學位畢業生的簽證時間則可為兩年。 BBC英倫網的報導稱,據相關人士透露,1月13日英國議會跨黨派中國事務小組正在起草一份遊說文件準備於本週呈交聯合政府。文件提出的新計劃建議政府保 留允許海外學生取得學位後在英工作的PSW簽證,特別是要維護小組最為關注的中國留學生的簽證權利。新計劃建議具體政策可以調整為:為留英碩士學位畢業生 提供一年工作簽證,而博士學位畢業生的簽證時間則可為兩年。
據一位不願透露姓名的英國高校教育工作者透露,簽證政策調整的諮詢期內,一些海外學生和英國高校向英國議會跨黨派中國事務小組表示了對該政策修改的 極度關心。英國高校擔心取消PSW將極大影響海外學生的招生工作。而學生則認為,沒有了兩年的工作簽證自己在英國留學獲得的效益將大受影響。
英國工商管理碩士協會1月13日舉行的關於政府移民政策諮詢會議提供的數據顯示,2009年有46.8萬名海外學生進入英國學習,英國內政部入境署 估算,這些海外學生對英國經濟的直接貢獻達83億英鎊。而會議對27所具有資質的英國高校商學院的調查顯示,25所學院的學生非常關心在畢業後能否在英國 從事穩定工作。
另外,英國政府國際學生事務部向英國內政事務委員會提交的關於T4學生簽證政策修改意見報告中,特別提到關於政府計劃取消PSW簽證的消息已經遭到 海外學生的強烈反對。特別是已經耗資數万英鎊在英國學習並準備在英國積累工作經驗的海外學生,將會質疑自己在英國取得的學位到底有多大價值。
2010年11月25日 11:10 來源:中國新聞網
中新網11月25日電 據英國BBC英倫網報道,就讀非學位課程海外生簽證收緊、PSW簽證即將取消。英國聯合政府這些新宣佈對中國留學生殺傷力到底有多大?
英國內政大臣特雷莎-梅(Theresa May)當地時間11月23日宣佈,政府有意限制海外學生來英國就讀非學位課程。
中新網11月25日電 據英國BBC英倫網報道,就讀非學位課程海外生簽證收緊、PSW簽證即將取消。英國聯合政府這些新宣佈對中國留學生殺傷力到底有多大?
英國內政大臣特雷莎-梅(Theresa May)當地時間11月23日宣佈,政府有意限制海外學生來英國就讀非學位課程。
2010年08月03日 15:31:47
幾年前,蘇格蘭首先開始實行Fresh Talent簽證政策,給正規大學課程的外國畢業生一年的簽證,這期間可以隨意找工作。
沒過多久,這一政策從蘇格蘭擴展到英國全國,而且簽證期限延長到了兩年,名為Post study work,即PSW簽證。
很多同學畢業之後,都打算申請鼓勵畢業生在英國找工作的PSW,post study work簽證。
幾年前,蘇格蘭首先開始實行Fresh Talent簽證政策,給正規大學課程的外國畢業生一年的簽證,這期間可以隨意找工作。
沒過多久,這一政策從蘇格蘭擴展到英國全國,而且簽證期限延長到了兩年,名為Post study work,即PSW簽證。
很多同學畢業之後,都打算申請鼓勵畢業生在英國找工作的PSW,post study work簽證。
Oxford and Cambridge to join £9,000 club on fees
Students whose family income is below £25,000 would pay £6,000 and receive a maintenance bursary of up to £1,625
- Jessica Shepherd, education correspondent
- The Guardian,
- Article history

A consultation paper shows Cambridge wants to almost triple fees to £9,000 as soon as it can in autumn next year. The university will charge the maximum of £3,375 for this autumn.
Students whose family income is below £25,000 would pay £6,000 and receive a maintenance bursary of up to £1,625, under plans from Cambridge's working group on fees, published internally for consultation. Means testing will taper this £3,000 reduction to zero when family income exceeds £42,000.
Oxford's pro-vice-chancellor, Tony Monaco, has said fees of less than £8,000 would lose the university money because of national cuts to teaching and other grants. Hhe told a Congregation, a formal meeting of senior members of the university, that Oxford subsidised undergraduates by £80m.
"That is already straining research and infrastructure ... Were we to charge £9,000, the additional income would be £14m a year." This would be used to improve outreach activities and waive fees for the poorest students.
The university calculates that to waivefees for the poorest by £3,000, would be the equivalent of charging all undergraduates £8,500. Oxford will make its decision on fees in March.
David Willetts, the universities minister, has said fees of £9,000 will be allowed only in "exceptional circumstances". MPs voted to raise tuition fees in December, after the Lib Dems pledged in their manifesto to scrap fees. The government loans students the fees until they graduate and are earning £21,000 a year.
Aaron Porter, president of the National Union of Students, said: "We can now expect a race to the top now as universities rush to gain kudos by joining the '£9,000 group' as quickly as possible. How long before the most expensive start asking for the freedom to charge even more?"
The Cambridge report argues that even at £9,000, the university is still "carrying the burden of a significant loss per student … To charge less than the maximum would be fiscally irresponsible. Most if not all of our peers will charge the maximum."
A university spokesman said: "This report has been published online for consultation … It follows due consideration by a working party made up of senior academic, college and student representatives."
Universities are expected to raise fees to at least £6,000. They have to submit their plans to the government's Office for Fair Access, which can decline proposals.
New universities say they will be forced to raise fees to more than £6,000 because of cuts to teaching funds, and are concerned that students from low-income families will not be able to afford them.
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