
Bookies in mood after Prince William and Kate Middleton's engagement

Bookies offer odds on venues, television ratings and wedding dress designers as retail analysts predict boost to business

Royal engagement
Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding: As much as £620m could be injected into the UK economy, according to analysts. Photograph: Katie Collins/PA
Will more viewers tune in than did for Charles and Diana? Is it to be March or July? St Paul's or Wembley stadium? Unimpeded by official confirmation, betting shops were quick to exploit speculation about the royal wedding today.

With news of Prince William and Kate Middleton's nuptials splashed across the world's front pages and saturating primetime TV in the US, Asia and Europe, anticipation of the event's commercial potential was climbing fast.

Britain's retail analysts, souvenir sellers and hotel owners were predicting a boost to business. Up to £620m could be injected into the UK economy, said Neil Saunders from retail researchers Verdict.

"It is a modest amount of good news for some retailers in these difficult times," said Richard Dodd of the British Retail Consortium. Suggestions that it would stimulate financial recovery were, however, ludicrous, he said.

At Clarence House, the prince and his bride-to-be spent the morning in discussions with royal household staff who will organise planning of the wedding.

Whether those talks gave any consideration to an offer by Sir Tom Jones to perform at the wedding remained unclear. "I've always been a royalist and I always will be," said the Welsh singer.

As speculation continued about the date, a palace spokesman said that an announcement about it and the venue would be made in due course, "after other members of the royal family, Mr and Mrs Middleton, and the government have been consulted". Prince William later went back to his RAF base in Wales, where he returns to work as a helicopter search and rescue pilot this morning.

Tom Bradby, ITV's political editor and the first journalist to interview the pair after the announcement, suggested their preferred date would be in the spring.

"I think they want to have it in March," he said. "Their people have now got to say: 'Right, who do we invite? Do we invite the Obamas? Do we invite the Sarkozys?'"

Bradby praised Middleton's performance in the interview. "I thought she did pretty well. She was very nervous," he said. "I think one of the things people have to understand is she's not a massive showboater."Some Australian commentators saw it as a blow to republican campaigners, while a headline in the Toronto Globe and Mail enthused: 'Kiss me, Kate: Rating Middleton's wardrobe'. Italy's La Stampa called William's fiancee "the Cinderella of Bucklebury" – a reference to her home village in Berkshire.

A video surfaced on YouTube that purportedly shows Middleton as a 13-year-old performing in a school play where a fortune teller declares that she will meet a handsome, rich gentleman who will take her to London. By coincidence, the character she marries is called William.

William Hill declared Westminster Abbey the favourite venue with odds of 8-11, followed by evens for St Paul's Cathedral and 6-1 for St Clement Danes, the RAF's main church. The O2 Arena and Wembley Stadium are at 1,000-1.Punters suspect July will be the most likely date. Other firms are setting odds on who will design the wedding dress. Ladbrokes is taking bets on whether more people will tune in to watch than the 32.2 million people who saw the 1966 World Cup final or the 28.4 million who saw Charles and Diana's wedding.

中國通膨 歐債危機 全球股市劇跌

財經新聞組綜合16日電    世界新聞網 北美華文新聞、華商資訊
November 17, 2010 06:04 AM 



而海外包括英國、德國和法國等歐洲國家與中國和日本等亞洲主要股票市場均有大幅下跌。其中追蹤歐洲藍籌股的Stoxx 50指數跌幅2.5%、英、德和法股市分別下跌2.23%、2.71%和1.87%。上海股市在上周出現「黑色星期五」損失5.16%之後,上海證券綜合指數再度下跌119.88點,跌幅高達4%。




不過,貝爾曲線交易公司(Bell Curve Trading)合夥人與投資策略師斯特勞斯羅(Bill Strazzullo)說,市場目前在考量,美元走強是否只是疲軟趨勢的修正或者是轉向的開始。如果美元因此趨穩並穩住腳步的話,股市與商品市場可望大幅反彈回升。

市調:英國經濟復甦 企業現併購風潮 金融業10月新增5%職缺

《彭博社》周三 (17日) 報導指出,根據招聘仲介機構 Morgan McKinley 報告指出,由於合併和收購活動風潮再起,且英國經濟呈現復甦,英國金融業新職位空缺上增 5%。 

報告內容顯示,10 月份倫敦金融區新的就業機會,由前月的 4725 個增至 4977 個。 

Morgan McKinley 總經理 Andrew Evans 聲稱:「就業職位的增加,顯示整體金融產業信心回復,且 9 月英國國民生產毛額 (GDP) 數據揚升,以及合併收購活動踴躍,為市場帶來樂觀氣氛。」明 (2011) 年第 1 季期間,「儘管成長道路仍將顯顛簸,但我們預期,當季經濟活動將比今年平均更為繁忙熱絡。」他如此表示。 

根據英國統計局資料,該國第 3 季 GDP 揚升 0.8%,增幅即便在 2007 年信貸危機爆發前,也堪稱數一數二的高點。 

根據《彭博社》編纂資料,歐洲企業在 10 月期間,合併收購交易的總金額達 466 億美元,較上個月高出 11%。 

威廉王子婚禮 英國經濟沖喜

  2010.11.18 03:00 am


英國皇室御用的Aynsley瓷器公司表示,早已備好精緻骨瓷產品的設計圖,將立即開始製作大喜紀念磁器。另一家皇冠德貝瓷公司(Royal Crown Derby)則要等婚禮日期宣布後開始生產。


但真正可為英國低迷經濟帶來沖喜效果的是在英國消費者心裡創造「感覺良好」(feel-good factor)的效果。





【2010/11/18 經濟日報】

威廉王子訂婚 鼓舞英國人士氣

地 時間16日下午﹐一位28歲深褐色頭發女子身穿寶藍色禮服﹐佩戴鑲有鑽石的藍寶石訂婚戒指﹐與剛成為未婚夫的大學時期男友一起﹐在媒體面前亮相。這條裙子 由知名品牌Issa設計﹐鑽戒是已故戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana)戴過的﹐如果她還在世的話就是這位新娘的婆婆了。
Associated Press
英國威廉王子(Prince William)與女友凱特•米德爾頓

當 英國威廉王子(Prince William)宣佈與交往已久的女友凱特•米德爾頓(Kate Middleton)訂婚﹐二人就輕而易舉地成為媒體的焦點﹐因為他們的戀情一直是熱門話題。他們已經交往八年﹐期間受到嚴格審查﹐因為未來他們有可能成 為大不列顛及北愛爾蘭王國──還有其他15個英聯邦王國──的國王和王後。

威廉王子和米德爾頓曾被拍到一起滑雪﹐還被拍到在凌晨時分在夜店出沒。英國小報給米德爾頓起了個綽號叫“待嫁的凱特”(Waity Katie)﹐因為她等了很長時間才得到威廉王子的求婚。幾年前的短暫分手引起極大轟動﹐就像是丘吉爾戰時密室的重要秘密一樣被人津津樂道。

當 地時間16日晚﹐28歲的威廉王子在接受英國廣播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation)全國電視採訪時平靜的解釋道﹐當時我們都很年輕﹐我們在慢慢長大。二人約定攜手步入婚姻殿堂﹐就意味著他們願意成為英國特色壯觀 儀式的主角:一場以華麗裝飾、教堂鐘聲和馬車隊巡禮為標志的皇室婚禮。

從現在到婚禮舉 行期間﹐這個消息一定會成為英國最受關注的“肥皂劇”﹐婚禮將於明年春天或夏天舉行。大家如此關注還有一層原因﹐即威廉王子是查爾斯王子(Prince Charles)和已故戴安娜王妃的長子﹐20世紀80年代初﹐戴安娜王妃的婚禮公之於眾時便一舉成名。她成為了大家最熟知的面孔之一﹐1997年在巴黎 死於車禍﹐當時遭到狗仔隊的跟蹤。


英國正在艱難地從全球金融危機中恢復﹐為減少赤字大幅削減預算﹐正面臨緊衣縮食的時期﹐首相卡梅倫(David Cameron)抓住這個婚訊的機會說﹐明年的婚禮將是“全國大舉慶祝的好機會”。他說﹐他曾在查爾斯王子和戴安娜王妃舉行婚禮前在街上宿營﹐那無疑是上個世紀最引人矚目的婚禮。


一位Twitter用戶寫道﹐撒切爾花了三年時間利用皇家婚禮將英國從經濟問題中解脫出來﹐他指的是1981年查爾斯王子和戴安娜王妃在嚴重經濟衰退時舉行的婚禮﹐當時撒切爾(Margaret Thatcher)是英國首相。


有 些人說﹐一個盛大的皇家婚禮可以提升英國的士氣。曾為戴安娜王妃設計婚紗禮服的時裝設計師伊曼紐爾(Elizabeth Emanuel)說﹐是該調節一下人們的情緒了﹐英國人過去一段時間以來總感覺忐忑不安﹐昏暗無光﹐我認為皇室婚禮是每個人都可以盼望的一件事﹐大家都希 望看到一場美妙絕倫的婚禮﹐也只有英國才可以舉辦一場如此規模的婚禮。

英國週刊《旁觀者》(Spectator)的編輯納爾遜(Fraser Nelson)在郵件里說﹐我們的君主制有一種神奇的魅力﹐這也正是威廉王子和其女友米德爾頓如今承諾所要保護的﹐他們訂婚對女王和整個國家來說都是很棒的消息﹐老天作證﹐我們需要這樣的消息。

威廉王子與女友是在蘇格蘭東海岸風景如畫的聖安德魯斯大學(University of St. Andrews)上學時認識的。據說威廉王子最初是在一場有關慈善的時尚活動中注意到米德爾頓的﹐當時她正在T形台上走秀﹐身穿一襲黑色禮服。



與王妃戴安娜不同﹐米德爾頓並非出身貴族。其母親過去是一名空姐﹐而米德爾頓的家庭目前經營著一家名為Party Pieces的小型企業﹐專門銷售飾品、遊戲等其它聚會用品。




倫 敦市民對於威廉王子即將大婚感覺十分興奮。今年27歲的護理專業學生希萬(Tessa Shewan)說﹐舉辦皇家慶典一般是皆大歡喜的一個事。接受本報記者採訪時﹐希萬正坐在倫敦聖保羅大教堂(St. Paul's Cathedral)的台階上讀書。戴安娜王妃和查爾斯王子當時就是在這個大教堂舉辦的婚禮。

來自倫敦、從事活動統籌安排工作的亞歷山大(Claire Alexander)說﹐英國可能會從皇室婚禮帶來的樂觀氣氛中受益﹐大家都喜歡有點隆重的儀式。亞歷山大接受採訪時﹐她正站在街上看一份登有威廉王子及其女友專題文章的倫敦晚報。

週 二﹐人們對於這場婚禮的舉辦場所、可能邀請哪些賓客以及受到極度關注的婚紗款式等問題都已展開了全方位的猜測。有人猜測婚禮將選在威斯敏斯特大教堂 (Westminster Abbey)舉行﹐對此該教堂發言人說﹐我們並不知道婚禮將在何地舉行﹐我們跟其他人一樣也在等待消息。威斯敏斯特大教堂建於13世紀﹐曾舉行過無數的加 冕儀式和皇家婚禮。

Jeanne Whalen / Paul Sonne
To Do: Propose To Girlfriend, Marry, Become King
On Tuesday afternoon, a 28-year-old brunette stood before a wall of photographers here with her old college boyfriend and newly minted fiance, wearing a royal blue dress and a matching sapphire-and-diamond engagement ring. The dress was from designer Issa; the ring once belonged to the late Princess Diana, who would have been the bride's mother-in-law.

No pressure there.

As Britain's Prince William announced his engagement to longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton, the couple stepped into the spotlight with the ease of media-romance veterans. They have already spent an eight-year courtship under the harsh scrutiny that comes with the possibility of one day being the King and Queen consort of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -- not to mention fifteen other Commonwealth realms.

The couple have been photographed on ski slopes and coming and going from nightclubs in the wee hours. Ms. Middleton was branded 'Waity Katie' by British tabloids in honor of her long wait for the prince to pop the question. A brief breakup a few years ago has been combed over like a key episode in Churchill's war rooms.

'We were both very young,' Prince William, 28, explained calmly in a nationally televised interview on the British Broadcasting Corporation Tuesday night. 'We were growing up.' By agreeing to take each other in holy matrimony, the couple has volunteered to be the lead players in one of Britain's signature spectacles: a royal wedding with all the trimmings, chiming church bells and horse-drawn carriages.

The news launched what will certainly be the U.K.'s most closely watched soap opera between now and the wedding itself, to be held in the spring or summer. The drama is enhanced by the fact that Prince William is the first-born son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana, who shot to fame in the early 1980s when her own engagement was sprung on the world. She became one of the world's most familiar faces and then died in a 1997 car crash in Paris, with paparazzi giving chase.

If the couple's debut on Tuesday was any indication, they are accustomed to the spotlight; Prince William dropped the bombshell that he had been carrying his mother's engagement ring around 'in my rucksack for about three weeks' before proposing to Ms. Middleton on a trip to Kenya recently. He allowed that he held the pack tightly because losing it would mean he'd 'be in a lot of trouble.'

With Britain struggling to emerge from the global financial crisis, and facing steep deficit-reducing budget cuts that signal an age of austerity, Prime Minister David Cameron seized on the news to say that next year's wedding was 'a great moment for national celebration.' He said he had camped in the streets before Charles and Diana's marriage, an over-the-top contender for wedding of the last century.

But it didn't take long for sniping to start either, as newspaper columnists and Twitter wags quickly noted that such a wedding could divert attention from the brutal economic problems facing Britain.

'Blimey, it took Thatcher three years to need a royal wedding to distract the UK from its woes,' wrote one Twitterer, referring to the marriage of Charles and Diana during a tough recession in 1981, when Margaret Thatcher was prime minister.

Another quickly added: 'Call me a cynic, but does it seem to anyone else that they roll out a royal wedding every time there's a recession??'

Some said a colorful wedding could lift the nation's spirits. 'It's time for a change of mood. There's been a lot of shakiness and darkness. I think it's something everyone can look forward to,' said Elizabeth Emanuel, a fashion designer who made Princess Diana's iconic wedding dress. 'Everybody wants to see a fabulous wedding, and nobody can really do it like the British.'

'There is magic in our monarchy, and this is what William and Kate have today undertaken to protect,' Fraser Nelson, editor of the weekly British magazine the Spectator, said by email. 'It's great news for the Queen and the country. And God knows, we need some.'

The couple met as young students at University of St. Andrews, a picturesque institution on the eastern shore of Scotland. William is said to have first spotted Ms. Middleton on the runway at a charity fashion event, where she modeled a sheer black dress.

In their televised interview Tuesday, William said the pair were friends for over a year before things 'blossomed from there.' Kate said she was 'quite nervous' about meeting William's father, Prince Charles, for the first time, but that she found him 'very welcoming and very friendly.'

After graduating and moving to London, the pair initially became known for boisterous nights out, and they were often photographed stumbling out of nightclubs to a waiting driver. Those tabloid snapshots have stopped appearing as often as Kate and William have grown older, and perhaps more cautious about their image.

Unlike Diana, Ms. Middleton is not an aristocrat: Her mother used to be a flight attendant, and her family runs a small business called Party Pieces, which sells glitter, pinatas and other party paraphernalia.

The British media sometimes mock her lower social standing, although it's entirely relative. Her family lives in a large, comfortable home, and she and her siblings went to private schools.

In the televised interview, Ms. Middleton said she was sorry to have never met Princess Diana, calling her 'an inspirational woman to look up to.'

But despite wearing Diana's ring, Kate will be free to carve her own future, William said: 'No one's trying to fill my mother's shoes.'

Londoners were excited about the coming nuptials. 'People generally enjoy having a royal celebration of some sort,' said Tessa Shewan, a 27-year-old nursing student, who sat reading on the steps of London's St. Paul's Cathedral, where Princess Diana and Prince Charles were married.

Claire Alexander, an events coordinator from London, said Britain could benefit from the positive atmosphere a royal wedding would bring. 'Everyone loves a bit of pomp and circumstance,' Ms. Alexander said, as she stood on the street reading a copy of a London evening tabloid featuring the couple.

Speculation about the wedding locale, the potential invitees and the all-important dress was already in full swing Tuesday. Responding to speculation that the couple would choose Westminster Abbey, the 13th-century church that has hosted countless coronations and royal weddings, a spokeswoman for the Abbey said: 'We don't know. We're waiting to hear like everyone else.'

Jeanne Whalen / Paul Sonne

威廉王子辦婚禮 分析人士:英經濟強心針

【大紀元2010年11月17日訊】(大紀元記者馬維芬綜合報導)英國威廉王子(Prince William)與未婚妻凱特.米德爾頓(亦譯為凱薩琳.密道頓)(Catherine Middleton)16日傳出喜訊,倆人宣佈訂婚,將於明年完婚。有分析人士說,對於目前十分不景氣的英國經濟來說,威廉王子和女友凱特•米德爾頓的婚 禮很可能將是一支急需的強心劑,不但能夠起到推動英國經濟的作用,也會給陷於金融危機的英國灰暗低迷生活帶來一抹靚麗的色彩。




英國威廉王子與未婚妻凱特米德爾頓(圖/Getty Images) 




威廉王子並讓未婚妻凱特戴上母親戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana)的訂婚戒指。(圖/Getty Images) 
將 近8年的愛情長跑,兩個人終於打算步入禮堂,威廉王子並讓未婚妻凱特戴上母親戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana)的訂婚戒指。而凱特表示,對於即將成為皇室的一員,她坦言跨出那一步是需要智慧與勇氣,不過她現在不擔心,因為威廉王子是她最好的老師。據悉,英國民眾都期待能看到這30年來最盛大的皇家婚禮。


英國推行緊縮政策遏抑龐大財赤,王室大婚有機會成為英國人一支強心針,從旅遊業到紀念品為國家帶來可觀收益。分析估計,王室大婚可為英國經濟帶來 6.2 億英鎊收入。

外電報道,威廉王子與未婚妻凱蒂宣布婚訊後,英國第 2 大超巿集團 Asda 借勢推出訂婚紀念水杯,每個賣 5 英鎊 (約 62 港元) 。有製作高級骨瓷的公司表示,有關王室婚禮的骨瓷紀念品,一直最受全球各地收藏家歡迎,當喜訊宣布後便馬上開始生產。

除了紀念品之外,王室大婚也是吸引海外遊客前往英國旅遊的主要因素之一。現時與英國王室有關的旅遊景點,每年為旅遊業創收超過 5 億英鎊 (約 62 億港元) 。旅遊機構 VisitBritain 相信威廉與凱蒂的婚訊將進一步推動旅業,大大提升有關收入。

凱蒂左手無名指戴的已故王妃戴安娜的藍寶石訂婚鑽戒照片,前日中午曝光後, 10 分鐘內,美國紐約曼哈頓區珠寶商 Natural Sapphire 便接到蜂湧而來的訂單,指明要求訂製凱蒂訂婚戒指的款式,甚至一度令公司網站的電腦當機 1 小時。

戴妃的訂婚戒指是一枚 18 卡白金戒指,主寶石是一粒 18 卡橢圓形藍寶石,旁邊圍有碎鑽襯托。不過由於訂婚戒指上的藍寶石單售大約 30 萬美元 (約 233 萬港元) ,絕大部分顧客都只要求用較細粒的寶石,製作廉價翻版。全美多間主要珠寶商都因為凱蒂的訂婚戒指照片曝光,訂單數目有所增加。

市調:英國經濟復甦 企業現併購風潮 金融業10月新增5%職缺

鉅亨網編譯李業德 綜合外電  2010-11-18 02:00:51
 《彭博社》周三 (17日) 報導指出,根據招聘仲介機構 Morgan McKinley 報告指出,由於合併和收購活動風潮再起,且英國經濟呈現復甦,英國金融業新職位空缺上增 5%。  

報告內容顯示,10 月份倫敦金融區新的就業機會,由前月的 4725 個增至 4977 個。  Morgan McKinley 總經理 Andrew Evans 聲稱:「就業職位的增加,顯示整體金融產業信心回復,且 9 月英國國民生產毛額 (GDP) 數據揚升,以及合併收購活動踴躍,為市場帶來樂觀氣氛。」  

明 (2011) 年第 1 季期間,「儘管成長道路仍將顯顛簸,但我們預期,當季經濟活動將比今年平均更為繁忙熱絡。」他如此表示。 

根據英國統計局資料,該國第 3 季 GDP 揚升 0.8%,增幅即便在 2007 年信貸危機爆發前,也堪稱數一數二的高點。  根據《彭博社》編纂資料,歐洲企業在 10 月期間,合併收購交易的總金額達 466 億美元,較上個月高出 11%。





















